The Burnette Agency

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Hashtag Holidays

   Every now and then you see a weird holiday on social media that you never knew existed. This is called a Hashtag holiday. Hashtag holidays are a great technique for businesses to gain a new following. Some holidays may be too silly for your brand such as “National Skip Work Day.” Yes, that is an actual Hashtag holiday. Others may help you gain opportunities with trending topics and fun, relevant information assisting your social media and brand growth. From food, animals, and everything in between, there most likely is a day marketers can share content relevant to their industry. Occasionally, the Hashtag holidays help share unknown information and assist you in becoming part of a movement towards a generous cause.

    For small businesses, some of the lesser known Hashtag holidays might be some of your best marketing moves. For instance, on smaller holidays, a small business is less likely to have a marketing campaign overshadowed by a larger company with vaster budgets. In addition, some holidays tend to make people; this gives you plenty of room for a creative post, drawing the public to your feed and helping your business stand out. There are Hashtag holidays for every occasion, so if you were to own a coffee shop, “National Drink Coffee Day” would help business promotions. If you were to own a pet shop, “National Pet Day” would bring your business customers. Here at The Burnette Agency, we use holidays like “National Marketing Day,” “National Selfie Day,” and coming up on July 20th “National Client Day.” Hashtag holidays are fantastic marketing techniques people tend to look past; furthermore, Hashtag holidays can significantly help your business grow.

    Below is a list of the top ten Hashtag holidays to help grow your business.


  1. Feb 9th - National Pizza Day

  2. Feb 20th - Love Your Pet Day

  3. March 12th - National Nap Day

  4. April 19th - Get to Know Your Customer Day

  5. June 1st - National Doughnut Day

  6. June 8th - National Bestfriend Day

  7. Sept 26th - National Women’s Fitness Day

  8. Oct 1st - Coffee Day

  9. Oct 16th - Celebrate Your Boss Day

  10. Nov 4th - National Candy Day

Happy Hashtagging!