The Burnette Agency

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The Your Social Team Conference Experience 

On October 5th, I had the opportunity to speak at the Your Social Team Conference.  My presentation was about 5 Ways Public Relations Can Help You Up Your IG Game.  I was honored when my friend Sumhr of the Polly Ann Collection referred me for this engagement. It was my first time in a few years speaking at an event of this scale and it was absolutely inspiring.   

Hosted at Switchyards, the room was filled with women who were eager to learn more about social media and how they could implement strategies to help them grow their brands.  It was exciting to meet other entrepreneurs and Atlantans who were excited about the next steps in their careers.  


I will admit, I was a bit nervous, but nonetheless excited about talking to this room full of intelligent, smart kind women all located in the Atlanta area. I knew I would need to come with engaging ideas and tips about public relations management, social media, and creative services.  But being that we were mainly focused on social media, I was excited to have an opportunity to talk about how public relations played into the mix. 


The talk was quick, 15 minutes to be exact as I was so proud to not go over time.  And after a few questions, I sat down feeling grateful and welcomed by newbies and seasoned professionals all wanting to gain knowledge from one another. 

I am so excited about the future of the communications industry in Atlanta. Especially with women like Manu from Your Social Team working hard to make sure we find ways to connect with one another. 

I look forward to the next speaking engagement and hope to meet many more business owners, entrepreneurs, and future friends at the events to come. 

If you are looking for social media, public relations or creative services in Atlanta, Tampa or anywhere else in the southeast, we hope you will reach out! Please feel free to send an email to or click here to fill out the information on our contact us form.