Our Favorite Instagram Features

Instagram has made several noticeable changes to its platform since the beginning of 2016!  As the year begins to wind down, we are taking the time to share our favorites.


The first feature we noticed in 2016 was the font change. This update is minimal, but we must admit, it looks a bit cleaner.


The second change we love was a long time coming. Since March, people have been able to see the exact date a user posted a photo. No one wants do the math on how long 230 weeks ago was, to figure out the exact date when a photo was posted. Instagram finally decided to help us out a little.  This might be a minor change for some, but it was definitely needed.


The ability to switch between Instagram accounts within the app is a life saver for any social media manager. This feature even reminds users what account they are posting under before anything is posted. Before this, it felt like you needed to have an extra app or a separate phone to manage more than one or two accounts.  We are so glad Instagram decided to make this an in-app feature, and are in love with its ease of use.  


Social platforms are always changing and coming out with new features!  Make sure to keep up with our blog for news on the latest trends.  



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