Three Tips For Businesses on Twitter

With the average Twitter user following five or more businesses online, it is important to make sure that your business has a presence on Twitter. Make sure that you follow our three tips to help you get started!


Great Photos

Make sure that your Twitter followers know who you are as soon as they see your profile and cover photo. While your profile picture may stay the same, consider changing up your cover photo in an effort to show some creativity.


Don’t forget the Bio

Make your Twitter bio compelling.  With only have 160 characters, one would think this would be easy, but it’s actually a lot harder than you think. Be creative and show how you are different!


Engage Engage Engage!

Twitter can be overwhelming. It’s quick. The lifespan of your tweets are short. And building a following isn’t easy! But if you engage in conversations around specific topics of interest, follow others and create a strategy to stay consistent, you can create an engaged following!

Looking for help with Twitter? Reach out to us at or fill out our contact form here.