How to Attract Your Ideal Clients on Social Media

As business owners, the overall benefit to social media marketing is increased revenue. So it seems like a no-brainer that a social media marketing strategy should be focused on producing high quality content that attracts your ideal client. However, The Burnette Agency has found that businesses who are unaware of their ideal clientele choose to target their social media feeds to the masses. A lack of strategy within a social media campaign is hurting these small businesses, causing them to second guess if social media is really a good strategy to attract clients because they are not getting a good return on investment. Essentially, by choosing to market to everyone, your messages are so diluted and generic that it is not resonating with anyone at all. So, how does a small business attract ideal clientele through their social media feed? We’ve rounded up a few tips below you might want to follow:


Determine Your Clientele Base

Determining your ideal client requires asking yourself a number of questions. By definition, your ideal clients should be the individuals who need what you have to offer, understand your value or the value of your products/services, and of course, be  willing to pay. Focus on key demographics of your target market, and then determine where these clients are most likely to be found online. More often than not, putting the time and effort into each social media platform is unnecessary. Once you establish where to find these ideal customers, you can then start to create messages to reach them.


Align Your Brand with Their Wants

The content that you share with your social media following is an effective tool to increase your online visibility and attract new clientele. In order to do so, you have to align your branding with their desires. Once you understand who your ideal customers are and what they are looking for, highlight the services you bring to the table. By bringing what your followers want to their feed, you will be providing valuable information, ultimately demonstrating your expertise. Even if it doesn’t work right off the bat, you will learn to make changes in your content based on the engagement you are receiving. This tactic creates trust and a deeper connection with your following.


Do NOT Force Sales

Social media is not a platform for shoving product sales down customers throats. Research shows that selling drives clients away rather than attracting them, particularly on social media sites. Remember this: people buy from those who they know, like, and trust. As a small business, you need to provide value, interesting content, and additional information to your customers without them having to make a purchase. If you are able to meet these consumer needs, you will be able to build relationships. In return, you will generate loyal customers who promote your services to others and become your business’ advocates. This long-term approach is much more successful than immediate sales.


The best way to grow a business is to focus on attracting your ideal client, and by using the best social media practices, you can expect to see a huge return on investment. If you’re interested in growing your social media presence and want help reaching out to your identifying your ideal clients on social media,  please don’t hesitate to reach out! Email us at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.