Good To Great: Part Two

The second chapter of Good to Great started out with a sentence I am hopeful our team will imply to their everyday lives; never stop trying to become qualified for the job. It’s a simple idea that can take you such a long way.  When it comes to our clients, we are always wanting to make sure they are on the cutting edge, creating new ideas, and working to bring attention to the special components of their business.  We are always striving for more. But this mantra to ‘never stop trying to become qualified for the job’ is imperative in the social media and public relations culture our team lives in.


Social media is always changing. There is always a new gadget, a new platform, a new way to promote that we must stay on top of.  Our clients are relying on our social media team to keep them current and if we rest on our laurels, we will never be able to create more for our clients or present ideas that have the ability to transform the way they are perceived by current and potential customers.   


When reading Good To Great, we didn’t think we would be able to take something and apply it so readily to our ever changing social media industry.  But this mantra is true not only to how we want to approach the way we do business, but also how we stay current in our industry.


With every single one of our clients, we want to make sure we always work hard to stay qualified to be their agency of choice.  Social media and integrated marketing in the Atlanta area and across the globe is continuing to grow.  If we want to stay on top of our game and continue to perform as strong partners for our clients, we need to make sure that we never stop trying to be qualified to be their agency!


If you or a business you know are interested in growing your reach in the Atlanta area or nationally through social media advertisements, please email The Burnette Agency at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.