How To Find The Perfect Photo Shoot Location

One of the most important aspects of photography is picking a good location. Your choice will affect all other decisions about your shoot, including what lighting and props you decide to take, which clothes the subject should wear, and most importantly the poses to use.

Shooting in a studio on a plain background is a popular choice, but it can be costly, and these types of shoots have been done a million times. You can usually get more interesting, engaging images by using your imagination and choosing a more unusual photo location.


It's easy to choose a photoshoot location based on convenience. For example, if you live near a park with a lot of trees, it's tempting to use this as your location often by default. But while this may look attractive, it's not always the best option.

Remember that every shoot is unique. This is what makes them so interesting, and it's something you should try to capture in every photo you take. Finding a suitable location is an important part of this.

Take the time to get to know your client. Find out about their goals and vision and incorporate them into your photoshoot. If they're a company that specializes in comfortable shoes, shoot them in a way that displays the function of the shoe best. 


Most professional photographers swear by natural lighting, some refuse to shoot in anything else. If possible, choose a well lit location that offers plenty of diffused, natural light.

When shooting on location, it's very important to avoid direct sun as this produces very harsh shadows on your subject. Look for some shade such as an overhanging tree or a covered seating area, where the sunlight is much softer and more flattering. Alternatively, try to shoot in the morning or early evening when the sun isn't at its strongest.

If you're shooting indoors, try to position your subject near a large window so that you can make the most of any available natural light. Depending on your budget and the equipment you have available you can compliment this with some artificial lighting if needed.


Crowded places, like busy cities or public parks, are among the worst locations for a photoshoot. You'll be constantly waiting for people to walk out of frame and dealing with questions from onlookers, on top of that your subject will probably feel very self-conscious and struggle to relax.

Finding a quiet, secluded location is not as complicated as it might seem. If you have to shoot in a city, get off the beaten path by moving just a few yards away you can usually find a spot where you and your subject can set up unbothered.

But still, avoid cities altogether and head for beaches, grassy fields, and woodland. These all provide great backdrops for photos, and are often completely deserted, giving you free-reign to move around and experiment with different poses and angles.

Hopefully, this will help you to create beautiful photography. If you are interested in learning more about the basics of photography or videography, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to hear from you. You can reach The Burnette Agency by email at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.