How iPhone Photography Changed Social Media

Social media is relatively new, and it originally began as a great way to connect and stay in contact with people. Pictures and the invention of the camera phone changed the way society uses these social applications.

When people began posting pictures on social media, they were often low quality and did not look professional. Many people did not want to post pictures or use applications such as Instagram because they believed they did not take quality pictures worth posting. In a small amount of time, the popular iPhone completely turned around social media. The iPhone’s camera had more pixels than the average, flip phone camera. Over the years, the iPhone’s camera has developed and improved; in fact, the continuous upgrades of the iPhone camera have altered the demand for many point-and-shoot cameras as well as professional cameras.

The majority of people rely on their phone camera to take professional-esque pictures for their social media posts. The current quality of iPhone photographs is quite impeccable; so much so that it is almost difficult to differentiate an iPhone photograph from one taken with a professional camera. These high quality photographs have made sharing pictures on social media much more popular and common. For instance, before social media, individuals would have to purchase a camera and tangible photograph albums to hold their memories. Nowadays, your phone and camera are combined, and you can create a digital photograph album by posting on social media. Quite literally, pictures and memories are at your fingertips.

Photography with an iPhone allows individuals to create an artistic feed on their social media. In addition, individuals can experiment with different camera techniques, angles, and edits. The iPhone photography ability allows those on social media to share using sight and not just descriptions. Overall, iPhone photography has enhanced the social media experience tremendously.

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