The Burnette Agency

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Spring Cleaning: Desktop Edition

It’s that time of year again, where the flowers bloom and spring cleaning begins. For us, this mostly means cleaning out and organizing downloads and documents on our desktop. Here are some of our favorite tips to guarantee an organized computer!

Separate Personal From Work:

Your screenshots of that sundress you want don’t need to be mixed in with screenshots of Pinterest boards for your clients. Creating a personal folder and a work folder right on your desktop can ensure everything is where it’s meant to be. This way you have easy access for all your and your client’s spring wishes!

Separate By Client:

In your work folder, things can get chaotic. Make sure that each client has their own space within the main folder for easy access to all their files and photos! Depending on how much material you store for your clients you can seepage everything one step folder by the month it was used or needed. 

Go Through Your Notes (Mac):

If you’re anything like me, you copy and paste everything into your notes. This method creates nothing but a panic for finding where that one important comment was! Take the time to go through these notes, delete the ones that you don’t need and add titles to the notes you do need. 

Create A Portfolio Folder:

All of the creative work you spent hours on shouldn’t be hidden away! Create a folder on your desktop where you can add in all of your work for when you need it later on. This is also a way to look back and see how much you’ve learned and progressed!

Extra tip! 

Don’t be afraid to make copies of documents or downloads if they pertain to more than one location on your desktop, the whole purpose of this is to make things easier to find!