The Power of Animated Design

In 2018, video content is key in marketing. According to Forbes, video increases organic traffic and conversions: “Companies that use video marketing see 41% more organic traffic than those that don’t.” Conjunctively, viewers retain 95% of information consumed via video compared to only 10% retained through reading. It’s simple - video content is both a way to capture your customers’ attention, hold their attention, and help them remember your information.

Besides traditional videography, you can turn your graphic design into video content through animated gifs. Gifs are becoming a popular and more frequent design format used within email marketing, web graphics, social media graphics, and more! As a graphic designer, I love turning e-blasts into gifs because it takes the design and user experience to the next level. Nowadays, consumers can receive hundreds of promotional emails a day, and probably only open a small percentage of them. Of that small open rate, the click through rate becomes even smaller - and is heavily dependent on the content/attention-grabbing design of the email. Gifs are an incredibly powerful way to grab and hold your viewers’ attention, and there are so many different ways you can implement animation!

The easiest way to animate your design is to animate the color. You can have certain text or background colors change every second. Another animation tool I love is to have images change every .5-1 second. This works very well for a new arrivals announcement email, when you may want to include quite a few images but don’t want the length of the email to get too long. Another gif idea I have been implementing a lot recently is animated accents, like stars, glitter, hearts, etc. These gifs work great especially with holiday themed marketing. For examples, adding flashing stars would be a great element for a Fourth of July email. Glitter/exploding confetti would add some extra flair to a New Year’s or Happy Birthday email!

The possibilities with animated gifs are endless! If you would like to learn more about adding video/animated design to your marketing or social media, contact us today!